GOLDEN YEARS • “Who was the queen-pharaoh Neferneferuaten" debate
Presentation of arguments and debate:
• Aidan DODSON: Nefertiti
• Marc GABOLDE: Meritaten
• Valérie ANGENOT: Neferneferuaten(-Tasherit)
Since the discovery of her name a century ago and her acknowledgement as a female ruler about 50 years ago, the question around the true identity of Queen-Pharaoh Ankh(et)kheperure Neferneferuaten has caused much ink to flow. Egyptology is mostly divided into three camps, when it comes to this question: those who believe she actually was Nefertiti, who ruled as king after the death of her husband Akhenaten; those who believe she was the eldest princess Meritaten, who came to power after the reign of her father; while a more recently developed theory proposes to identify her to princess Neferneferuaten-Tasherit, who would have succeeded her father Akhenaten and preceded her brother Tutankhamun on the throne.
Our panel of speakers gathers the proponents of each one of the three theories. An international debate will be held on site and online around this fundamental question, exploring the pros and cons of the different options.