S01. #07. The Pharaoh Tutankhamun
Egyptologist Amandine Marshall corrects the record in a video fully dedicated to him.
Conception, production and presentation:
Amandine Marshall, Egyptologist and director of NefertiTube
Original soundtrack: Anastasia Lihnka
English translation: Debbie Lim
Editing of the movie: Sasha Foínix
Sound mixing: Phil Henrion
Movie making, sound & image : Sasha Foínix, Lucas Puché & Baptiste Riols
Drawings and animations: Eva Berger
Graphic designer: Geoffrey Simonet de Laborie
With the precious collaboration of the École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs de Paris
Photo credit:
© © Amandine Marshall, Laurent Cavaleri, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Wikipedia
I would like to thank my friend Laurent Cavaleri and the Metropolitan Museum of Art for their precious iconographic contribution
To follow the NefertiTeam
Amandine Marshall
Anastasia Lihnka
Sasha Foínix
Eva Berger
Geoffrey Simonet de Laborie
© NefertiTube 2023
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