PYRAMID MYTHBUSTING: ancient Egypt, not ancient aliens…

No subject in Egyptology attracts more theories than the pyramids, especially those of Giza. How they were built, who by, when and what for? For many, Egyptology’s answers to these questions aren’t good enough. The recent TV series, Mysteries of the Pyramids with Dara O’Briain (, addressed this phenomenon. The aim of this lecture is to show that, contrary to popular belief, the conventional view that the Giza Pyramids were built during the Fourth Dynasty by the ancient Egyptians, as tombs for their kings, remains the best interpretation of the available evidence, and will emphasise what that evidence is. There is no conspiracy, Egyptologists have nothing to hide, and do not stand to lose anything if new evidence emerges to cause them to alter their conclusions!

This talk will be freely available to all but giving lectures like this is a part of how I earn a living so if you ‘d like to send a contribution to support my work please consider doing so via the ‘thanks’ button, or by joining the channel as a member. For more information about this please see

PLEASE NOTE the live session will start at 5.50 pm, the lecture itself at 6.00 pm. "
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