S02. #05. The sphinx

Half-human, half-lion, the sphinx is one of the emblems of the Egyptian civilization. His most famous representative is, of course, the sphinx of Giza. In this video, French Egyptologist Amandine Marshall tells you who he was, the reason he became so famous, who had broken his nose and why he was not on the Seven Wonders of the World list.


Amandine Marshall, Egyptologist and director of ToutankaTube
Original soundtrack: Anastasia Lihnka
English translation: Debbie Lim
Editing of the movie: Sasha Foìnix
Sound mixing: Phil Henrion
Movie making, sound and image: Sasha Foìnix & Lisa Racaud
Opening theme, animations and drawings: Eva Berger
Graphic Designer (logo): Geoffrey Simonet de Laborie

With the precious collaboration of the École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs de Paris

Photo credit:
© Amandine Marshall, Martine Détrie-Perrier, The Trustees of the British Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Wikipedia

Video credit:
« Héliopolis, la cité solaire des pharaons » (Arte)
© Mateo Mateo

« Asterix and Obelix 1968 »
© Nikhil

My thanks go to my friend Martine Détrie-Perrier, The Trustees of the British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art for their precious iconographic contribution

To follow the NefertiTeam :

Amandine Marshall :

Anastasia Lihnka

Sasha Acurcio :

Geoffrey Simonet de Laborie :

© NefertiTube 2024

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