S02. #05. 3 tips to decode hieroglyphs easily!
Amandine Marshall, Egyptologist and director of ToutankaTube
Original soundtrack: Anastasia Lihnka
English translation: Debbie Lim
Editing of the movie: Sasha Foìnix
Sound mixing: Phil Henrion
Movie making, sound and image: Sasha Foìnix & Lisa Racaud
Opening theme: Julie Gardelle & Julie Bocher
Graphic designer (logo): Geoffrey Simonet de Laborie
Photo credit:
© Amandine Marshall, Daniel Berrubé, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Wikipédia
I would like to express my gratitude to my friend Daniel Berrubé and the Metropolitan Museum of Art for their precious contribution to this video.
To follow the ToutankaTeam:
Amandine Marshall
Anastasia Lihnka
Sasha Foínix
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sashafoinix
Geoffrey Simonet de Laborie
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/magic_grimm31
Julie Gardelle
© ToutankaTube 2024
You want to start writing hieroglyphics?
Find the link for downloading freely the software Jsesh created and kindly put online by Serge Rosmorduc : https://jsesh.qenherkhopeshef.org/fr
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#amandinemarshall #toutankatube #education #ytchannel #egyptologicalchannel #youtubechannel #sitestoquedantiquitetasqualikertoutankatube #anastasialihnka #philhenrion #jaydesign #juliegardelle #debbielim "